Home 9 Design Guide 9 Technical Drawing: Its Significance in Manufacturing

Technical Drawing: Its Significance in Manufacturing

Published on: 2023-03-01

an industrial engineer analyzing technical drawings with caliper tools

technical drawing analysis

Technical drawing remains a critical aspect of the machining industry. It plays a pivotal role in guiding manufacturers to ensure that machined parts meet the required specifications. More specifically, technical drawing with engineering graphics contains information that serves as visual and communication tools for manufacturers and engineers in various machining processes.

Thus, this article provides a complete overview of technical drawing in the machining industry, including its importance, the common drawing standards and conventions, and tips for creating accurate and effective engineering drawings.


What Is a Technical Drawing?

engineer working on the blueprint of an machining project

technical drawing blueprint

Technical drawing, also called engineering drawing, in the machining industry, refers to creating detailed, precise, and accurate illustrations of parts and components to get manufactured. These drawings provide a clear view of the part to get machined by delivering critical information about the dimensions, annotations, tolerances, surface finish, and other features needed in the machining process.

Machinists, designers, architects, and engineers use technical drawings as a communication tool to convey information and ideas. Knowing how to read technical drawings help ensure that parts meet their design requirements and are suitable for their intended use. These drawings are clear and follow specific standards, conventions, and symbols to ensure that the information conveyed is accurate, consistent, and understandable.

As a result, engineering drawings make it easier for machinists to grasp various manufacturing projects, provide precise production cost estimates, and reduce the likelihood of misinterpretations or errors during manufacturing.


Importance of Technical Drawing in the Machining Industry

Technical drawings have long existed and were constructed manually for centuries. Nevertheless, these drawings continue to serve several purposes in the machining industry of today. Check some of the benefits of technical drawing in the machining industry:

1. Accuracy and Precision

Technical drawing is critical for ensuring that machined parts are precise and accurate. Technical drawings provide detailed information about the dimensions and tolerances of the part, ensuring that machinists produce parts that meet the required specifications. Besides, without accurate and precise technical drawings, machinists would have had to rely on guesswork, which could result in producing parts that may not function as intended.

2. Communication

Technical drawings are a communication tool, enabling designers, engineers, and machinists to convey their ideas. This information is critical for machinists to understand the part’s requirements and machine it to the required specifications.

3. Efficiency

Technical drawings are essential for improving the efficiency of the machining process. They reduce the need for trial and error, enabling machinists to produce parts that meet the desired specifications on the first attempt. This improves the efficiency of the machining process and reduces the time and production costs of custom mass production.

4. Quality Control

Technical drawings are a vital component of quality control in the machining industry. Technical drawings provide a standard against which machined parts get measured and tested. Moreover, these drawings enable quality control inspectors to verify that the machined parts meet the required specifications before use.


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Types of Engineering Drawings for Machining

steel machining jigs and dial gauge micrometer laid on the machining technical drawing

technical specifications for machined components

There are different types of engineering drawing in the machining industry, and each serves a unique purpose in the design and manufacturing process. These drawings provide the necessary information for the machinist to create parts that meet the design requirements. Below are some technical drawing examples in the machining industry:

1. Orthographic Drawings

Orthographic or Multiview drawings remain the most common type of technical drawing in the machining industry. These 2d drawings with dimensions provide a detailed and accurate representation of the part’s shape, size, angles, and dimensions in 2D. Further, orthographic drawings show the part’s front, top, and side views, each representing a different plane.

2. Isometric Drawings

Isometric drawings are 3D representations that show the part to get fabricated. Hence, they provide a more realistic representation of the component, making it easier to visualize and understand its critical features. Isometric drawings are particularly useful for complex parts with irregular shapes or are difficult to visualize in an orthographic drawing.

3. Exploded View Drawings

Exploded view drawings display the individual parts of an assembly in their respective positions and how they fit together to form the final product. These drawings particularly apply in complex assemblies, enabling the machinist to understand how the parts fit together and how they get assembled.

4. Sectional Drawings

Sectional drawings show the cutaway view of the part, revealing its internal structure and how it is put together. They serve as valuable illustrations for parts with complex internal structures or where the interior assembly is critical to the part’s function.

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Why You Need Accuracy and Precision in Technical Drawing

experts working on the technical drawing of some machining pipes

technical drawing for machining pipes

Technical drawings are used to convey the design of a part to the machinist, and any errors in the drawing can lead to machined parts that do not meet the required specifications. For this reason, accuracy and precision remain two critical components of technical drawing in the machining industry. Here’s why accuracy and precision are crucial in a technical drawing:

1. Ensuring Part Functionality

Accurate and precise technical drawings enable the machinist to create a part that functions as it should. Any deviation from the required specifications can lead to a part that does not work as intended, potentially causing significant problems down the production line.

2. Waste Reduction

Producing a part that does not meet the required specifications wastes time, effort, and materials. Accurate and precise technical drawings help reduce waste by ensuring the component is machined correctly. This reduces the need for rework, which gets costly.

3. Meeting Quality Standards

Accurate and precise technical drawings help to ensure that machined parts meet the required quality standards. More so, machining parts to the necessary design specifications also helps to prevent defects that can lead to failures, ensuring that the part performs as intended.


Applications of Technical Drawing In Machining Processes

technical drafting of metal bolts and steel screws metallic parts with a hexagonal head

technical drafting of bolts and screws

Technical drawings apply in various machining processes. Check them below:

  • Turning and Milling

Technical drawings are vital in turning and milling operations as they specify the required surface finish and other critical features. This, in turn, ensures that the final product meets the required specification.

  • Drilling

Technical drawings are essential in drilling, as they provide the machinist with the required dimensions and tolerances for producing the required hole. This includes the size, depth, and location of the hole.

Other common applications are grinding and electrical discharge machining (EDM)


Drawing Standards and Conventions

the input section of the submersible centrifugal pump machining technical drawings

pump machining technical drawings

Technical drawings follow specific conventions to ensure the information conveyed is accurate, consistent, and understandable. Some of the common conventions include:

1. Scale

The scale of the drawing is critical to ensure that the dimensions and proportions are accurately represented. The scale may be indicated as a ratio or a fraction, such as 1:10 or 1/10.

2. Orthographic Projection

This is a drawing technique that shows a 3D object in two dimensions. The object is viewed from different angles and projected onto a 2D plane, showing all three dimensions.

3. Dimensioning

The dimensions of the object get indicated with the use of specific symbols and conventions. These symbols and conventions ensure the measurements are clear, accurate, and easy to read.

4. Tolerances

Tolerances indicate the allowable variations in the dimensions of machined parts. Tolerances are essential to ensure that the machined part fits and functions as intended.

Read more: A Guide to Interpreting 3D Drawings for CNC Machining


Tips for Technical Drawing in Machining Industry

an engineer analyzing a technical drawing blueprint

technical drawing blueprint

Creating accurate technical drawings requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the part to get manufactured. Here are some tips for creating accurate technical drawings:

1. Understand the Design Requirements

You must understand the design requirements of the desired part before preparing technical drawings. This includes understanding the part’s shape, size, tolerances, and other specifications.

2. Use the Correct Scale

Using the correct scale is critical to represent the dimensions and proportions accurately. Ensure that you choose a scale appropriate for the size of the object you are drawing.

3. Use Standard Conventions

Technical drawings in the machining industry must follow standard conventions to ensure that the drawing comes out clear, accurate, and easy to read. Ensure to follow the correct conventions for dimensioning, tolerances, and projection.

4. Check for Accuracy

Once you have completed the drawing, check it carefully for accuracy. Check and confirm that you correctly labeled all dimensions and tolerances. You can use a calibrated measuring tool to check the measurements on the drawing.



Technical drawings form a critical aspect of the machining industry. As an essential component of quality control, technical drawings enable machinists and inspectors to ensure that parts meet the required specifications. Technical drawings come in different types, each serving a unique purpose in the design and manufacturing process.

Above all, contact us, and let our professional technicians help analyze your technical drawing and provide expert design suggestions to ensure efficient and cost-effective manufacturing process.



What Software Do Engineers Use for Technical Drawing in the Machining Industry?

Most engineers and designers use technical drawing software tools to develop detailed and accurate technical drawings. They include AutoCAD, SolidWorks, SketchUp, Fusion 360, and Revit, to mention a few. Each software tool has its unique features and benefits, and the choice of software will depend on the specific requirements of the manufacturing project.

What Are Some Common Symbols Used in Technical Drawing for Machining?

Several symbols are used in technical drawing for machining, including symbols for dimensions, tolerances, surface finishes, and geometric features. These symbols provide important information about the design and help ensure that the finished product meets the required specifications.


1 Comment

  1. tlover tonet

    It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks


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