Design Guide

Design Guidelines-CNC Machining and Sheet Metal

You’ll find it all here, from the material, selection, and standard tolerances to design advice for each operation we provide, including CNC Machining and Sheet Metal fabrication. Check out the materials resources to help you enhance your ideas for CNC machining and get the exact result you want from Prolean.

Home 9 Design Guide

CNC machining

While preparing the CNC machining design, there are a few things to keep in mind to optimize your strategy and remove any uncertainty for us, allowing us to provide the parts exactly as you desire. You will find guidelines for material selection, cost reduction, and choosing the optimum surface finishing for your needs in the CNC machining design guidelines.

Surface finishing for CNC machining

The most popular finishing options among our clients are listed below.

  • As- Machined
  • Anodizing
  • Black-oxide coating
  • Bead-Blasting
  • Powder coating

However, it will be best if you consider the following factors

  • Type of materials
  • End-application of machined parts
  • Required dimension
  • Cost

Choosing the right CNC material

We offer more than 50 different materials for CNC machining. The material depends on the required specifications. You must take into account the following factors before deciding.

  • Required mechanical and physical characteristics
  • Cost
  • Weight
  • Machinability
  • Electrical and thermal properties
  • Surface finishing



Cost reduction tips


Cost is always the subject of concern in CNC machining projects. If you want to reduce the cost of manufacturing your parts, follow the following tips;

  • Make the design as simple as possible.
  • Choose the optimum material
  • Re-consider the tolerance,
  • Go with large volume production
  • Choose an appropriate & cost-effective Surface Finish.
  • Try to exclude machinable text in your design.


Sheet Metal Fabrication Design Guide

Lase-cutting, water-jet cutting, and sheet metal bending & forming are our primary services in the Sheet metal fabrication process. We deliver parts to your door per the design you sent us. In the resources, you will find design tips and suggestions to optimize your design for each operation.

Water-jet cutting Design Tips

Water-jet cuts your parts without heat damage. To acquire the outcome you desire, you can check the following advice: 

  • Maintain the diameter of the hole to at least half the thickness
  • Keep the nesting elements 0.375″ apart from the edge of one another in a single sheet of size 48″ x 96″.
  • Maintain the radius of any shape needed to be cut at least 0.021″.
  • Maintain each angle in your design equal to or less than 60 degrees from the horizontal
  • Consider the kerf (the same as the width of the water jet beam)

Laser-cutting design tips

If you pay attention to the following crucial points when designing, Prolean will provide a more effective laser-cutting service.

  • The hole diameter is at least half of the sheet thickness.
  • To ensure dimensional stability, consider the design’s kerf (the same as the laser beam width).
  • Eliminate the overlapping lines.






Tips for designing of Sheet metal bending & forming

We have 50+ metallic sheets to perform the bending operations according to specifications and requirements. Our standard tolerance for sheet metal bending and forming operations is ± 0.25 mm in length and ±1 degree in bending angle. 

  • Inner bend radius is maintained at least equal to the thickness of the sheet.
  • The hole diameter is at least 2.5 times the sheet thickness plus the bend radius away from the bending position.
  • Fillets are at least half of the sheet thickness.


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