Home 9 Case Study 9 Common Defects in the Laser Cutting Process

Common Defects in the Laser Cutting Process

Published on: 2023-06-26

Laser beam machining or laser cutting, a non-contact process that uses a laser to cut materials, is revered for its high precision and clean cuts. However, like any manufacturing process, it’s not immune to machining defects that can affect the quality of the final product. By understanding these defects and their root causes, manufacturers can adopt mitigating strategies to minimize their occurrence and maximize operational efficiency.

This article will discuss the common defects found in laser cutting, their causes, and preventive measures that manufacturers can adopt to minimize their occurrence.


The Rise of Laser Cutting: An Overview

Laser-cutting operation

The advent of laser cutting dates back to the 1960s when the potential of concentrated light beams was first harnessed for industrial applications. The ability of laser cutting to offer high precision and speed while leaving a small heat-affected zone made it an appealing choice for various industries.

Modern-Day Applications of Laser Cutting

Today, laser cutting technology is used in diverse sectors ranging from automotive and aerospace to medical devices and electronics manufacturing. Here’s how:

  • Automotive: For creating precise components like gears, brackets, and engine parts.
  • Aerospace: To produce lightweight, yet strong, parts for aircraft and spacecraft.
  • Medical Devices: In the creation of highly intricate components, such as stents and medical instruments.
  • Electronics Manufacturing: For precise shaping of circuit boards and other integral parts.

Technological Advancements in Laser Cutting

Over the years, advancements in technology have led to the development of more sophisticated laser cutting machines. Today, fiber lasers and CO2 lasers are among the most commonly used types. The emergence of CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) laser cutting has also revolutionized the industry, making it possible to create highly intricate designs with utmost accuracy.

Laser Cutting Technology Description
CO2 Lasers This type of laser is well-suited for cutting, boring, and engraving.
Fiber Lasers Fiber lasers are known for their efficiency and are often used for laser marking applications.
CNC Laser Cutting Computer control allows for increased precision and the ability to create complex shapes and designs.


Navigating the Common Defects in the Laser Cutting Process

Despite various laser cutting advantages, this process has a risk of potential defects. Understanding these can help manufacturers mitigate them better.

The following are common defects in the laser cutting process:

  • Burr Formation: These are small projections of material left at the edge of the cut, typically due to incorrect laser settings.
  • Dross: This refers to the molten material that solidifies on the underside of a cut.
  • Striations: These are lines across the cut edge, generally caused by instability in the laser.
  • Heat-Affected Zones (HAZ): These are areas of the material that have been metallurgically altered by the heat of the laser.
  • Incomplete Cutting: This occurs when the laser fails to completely cut through the material.
  • Deformation: This can happen if the material overheats and warps during cutting.
  • Kerf Deviation: This refers to deviations in the width of the cut (or “kerf”), which can affect the dimensional accuracy of the final product.

What Are the Impact of These Defects?

burrs in fiber laser cutting

The occurrence of these defects can lead to poor product quality, increased waste, and additional laser cutting cost and time for post-processing. For example, burrs and dross can affect the surface finish of the product, requiring further cleaning or finishing operations. Similarly, heat-affected zones can alter the properties of laser cut materials, affecting its performance in the intended application.

Defect Impact
Burr Formation Impacts surface finish, may require additional post-processing.
Dross Affects surface finish and dimensional accuracy.
Striations May affect both aesthetic and functional aspects of the part.
Heat-Affected Zones (HAZ) Can alter material properties, impacting performance.
Incomplete Cutting Results in a part that does

Case Study

During the laser cutting process, it is often a challenge to ensure the molten material has enough time to leave the base material before solidifying again. This can result in the molten metal re-solidifying on the surface of the material, creating burrs. A good illustration of this issue can be found in a custom aluminum laser cut of its grade 6061 sheets with small holes. In such a case, burrs form along the inner walls of these small holes in the parts.

The burrs are problematic as they affect the overall finish and quality of the end product. Moreover, they may interfere with the fit and function of the part, especially in precision applications. Hence, it is critical to address this issue to maintain the quality and integrity of the parts being cut.

In response to this issue, a two-step solution has been proposed and implemented. The first step involves the use of acid-washing post-laser cutting to remove small burrs. Acid washing is effective in reaching the small, narrow spaces where burrs may be located and dissolving the burrs without damaging the part itself.

The second step in the solution involves manual deburring to handle larger burrs. Manual deburring allows for more control and precision. This step is particularly important as it ensures the complete removal of burrs, improving the overall quality of the product and reducing the likelihood of defects.

After the deburring process, the part is then treated with powder coating

This dual-pronged approach has proved to be an effective strategy in mitigating the issue of burrs in laser cutting of materials like 6061 aluminum. It is an excellent example of how combined strategies can be used to address specific manufacturing challenges. While the approach may need to be adjusted for different materials or cutting requirements, the underlying principle of using combined treatments remains a promising strategy.

Related: Steel Laser Cutting: Precision and Efficiency at Its Best


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Unraveling the Root Causes of These Defects

Understanding the origin of these common defects is critical in determining how to prevent them. Various factors can influence the quality of laser cutting, including the type of laser used, the cutting parameters, and the material being cut.

Inadequate Laser Parameters

Laser cutting parameters, including laser power, cutting speed, and gas pressure, significantly affect the quality of the cut. For instance, high laser power may lead to excessive melting, causing dross and burr formation. On the other hand, too slow cutting speed may increase the heat-affected zone.

Material Characteristics

Material characteristics such as type, thickness, and surface condition can also influence the cut quality. Some materials are more prone to defects due to their physical properties. For example, metals with high reflectivity can cause difficulties in achieving a clean cut.

Mechanical Issues

Defects can also result from mechanical issues with the cutting machine, such as a misaligned laser beam or an unclean lens, which can reduce the laser’s focus and power.

Defect Likely Cause
Burr Formation Incorrect laser parameters such as power and speed
Dross Too high laser power, slow cutting speed
Striations Instability in the laser, mechanical issues
Heat-Affected Zones (HAZ) Too slow cutting speed, high laser power
Incomplete Cutting Inadequate laser power, fast cutting speed
Deformation Excessive heat input, poor material handling
Kerf Deviation Misaligned laser beam, incorrect focus


Mitigating Measures for Laser Cutting Defects

One of the simplest ways to prevent laser cutting defects is by adjusting the laser parameters. For example, increasing the cutting speed can minimize the heat-affected zone, while reducing the laser power can prevent excessive melting.

Selecting the appropriate material for laser cutting and preparing it correctly can also reduce defects. This involves choosing materials with suitable properties for laser cutting and ensuring they are clean and free from contaminants before cutting.

Regular maintenance of the laser cutting machine can prevent mechanical issues that lead to defects. This includes checking the alignment of the laser beam and cleaning the lens regularly.

Bulleted List of Mitigation Measures:

  • Adjusting laser parameters to suit the material and desired cut quality
  • Selecting suitable materials and preparing them adequately for cutting
  • Carrying out regular maintenance of the laser-cutting machine
  • Investing in advanced laser cutting technologies that offer better control and precision
  • Implementing quality control measures to detect and correct defects early on

By implementing these measures, manufacturers can significantly improve the quality of their laser cutting operations, resulting in better products and higher customer satisfaction.


The Role of Quality Control in the Laser Cutting Process

Quality control is integral to any manufacturing process, and the laser-cutting process is no exception. Implementing rigorous QC measures ensures that the produced parts meet the required standards and specifications.

  • In-Process Quality Control

In-process quality control involves inspecting the cut parts during the production process. This enables manufacturers to detect defects early and adjust the process parameters as needed. Monitoring aspects like cutting speed, laser power, and assist gas pressure can help maintain the quality of the cut.

  • Post-Process Quality Control

Post-process quality control is performed after sheet metal cutting with a laser beam. This may involve visual inspection or using sophisticated measuring tools to assess the cut’s accuracy and quality. Measurements taken may include cut edge quality, kerf width, and perpendicularity.

Table: Quality Control Measures in the Laser Cutting Process

Quality Control Measure Description
In-Process QC Monitoring and adjusting process parameters during the cutting process.
Post-Process QC Inspecting the quality and accuracy of the cut parts after the cutting process.
Preventive Maintenance Regularly servicing the laser cutting machine to prevent mechanical issues.
Operator Training Ensuring the operators are well-trained to handle the laser cutting machine and understand the process parameters.

Read more: CO₂ Laser vs Fiber Laser: Which One To Choose?


Prolean’s CNC Laser Cutting Services

At Prolean, we strive to provide the best CNC laser cutting services in the industry. Our commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction sets us apart.

We utilizes state-of-the-art laser cutting machines that deliver high precision and efficiency. Our technology allows us to cut a wide range of materials with excellent accuracy, minimizing the risk of defects.

Service Description
High Precision Cutting Our advanced laser cutting machines can cut a wide range of materials with high precision.
Quality Assurance We implement rigorous quality control measures to ensure our services meet the highest standards.
Custom Solutions We provide customized solutions to meet our clients’ specific needs.



In the realm of manufacturing, laser cutting plays an instrumental role due to its unparalleled precision, efficiency, and versatility. However, the process can occasionally fall prey to certain defects that can compromise the quality and integrity of the final products. These defects can stem from improper configuration of process parameters, inadequate maintenance of cutting machines, or unsuitable material characteristics.

Therefore, understanding the root causes is essential in deploying mitigating measures. Implementing a robust quality control system is fundamental to minimizing these defects and assuring the production of superior-quality components.



What is laser cutting?

Laser cutting is a manufacturing process that uses a high-power laser to cut materials with high precision.

What are some common defects in the laser cutting process?

Common defects include burrs, dross, heat-affected zones, striations, incomplete cutting, and deformation.

What causes these defects?

These defects can be caused by inappropriate laser parameters, material characteristics, or mechanical issues with the cutting machine.

How can these defects be prevented?

Defects can be minimized by adjusting laser parameters, selecting suitable materials, carrying out regular machine maintenance, and implementing quality control measures.

What is the role of quality control in laser cutting?

Quality control involves inspecting and monitoring the laser cutting process to ensure that the cut parts meet the required standards and specifications. It is a critical part of maintaining high-quality output in laser cutting operations.


  1. Alex Finsterbusch

    Als Ingenieur, der für die Laserschneidmaschinen in unserem Betrieb verantwortlich ist, finde ich diesen Artikel äußerst hilfreich. Die Anpassung der Laserparameter, um Fehler zu minimieren, ist eine grundlegende, aber entscheidende Maßnahme. Ich werde sicherstellen, dass unsere Schneidmaschinen immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind und die Materialauswahl sowie die Vorbereitung verbessert werden. Die Wartung ist ebenfalls von großer Bedeutung, um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren. Darüber hinaus werde ich die prozessbegleitende und nachgelagerte Qualitätskontrolle verstärken, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Produkte den höchsten Standards entsprechen.

    • Dikendra Acharya

      Ja! Genauso wichtig ist die Maschinenwartung für Qualitätsteile. Für die Präzision ist jedoch das Fachwissen in der Handhabung von entscheidender Bedeutung.

  2. Dikendra Acharya

    Ja! Genauso wichtig ist die Maschinenwartung für Qualitätsteile. Für die Präzision ist jedoch das Fachwissen in der Handhabung von entscheidender Bedeutung.


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