Home 9 CNC Machining 9 CNC G Code: Definition, Example, and Code List

CNC G Code: Definition, Example, and Code List

Published on: 2024-08-09

“The G code in CNC programming dictates the tool movement according to the determined tool path, an essential component of CNC operation.”

Do you know how a CNC machine executes the machining operations for a machinable CAD Design? CNC programming is responsible for this, which is the upload of digital instructions to the CNC control panel. Based on CAD design, computer software like CAM analyzes the optimal tool path and cutting movements. Then, it generates the instructions for the CNC machine in the CNC G code and M Code formats. Furthermore, the code can be edited according to the project specifications for optional results.

 G-code controls the movement and positioning of the CNC machine. It means it specifies the geometric path, such as linear and circular interpolation, tool movements, and positioning. In this article, we will review what is g code in detail, including its importance in precise machining, g code list, and g code example.


What is G Code Programming?

The G code commands in the CNC machine are not like simple line instructions. Instead, these are the systematic and well-structured commands that the machine understands and executes the process accordingly.  Subsequently, G codes specify motions (e.g., G00 for rapid positioning and G01 for linear cutting). 

CNC G code 

The G code file is typically generated into CAM software, followed by custom editing. Then, It is transferred to the CNC control panel via USB drives, network connections, or direct serial communication. The controller reads the G-code file, interprets the instructions, and executes the specified positioning and movements. For example, the G17 command in the file selects the XY plane for machining( positioning), and G00 X10 Y10  moves the spindle position (X-axis 10, Y-axis 10) from the reference panel for machining. Furthermore, the table below shows some examples of CNC G code command lines; 

Table: Example of CNC G-code Commands 




Select XY plane


Set units to millimeters

G00 X10 Y20

Rapid move to position (10, 20)

G01 X10 Y20 F100

Linear move to (10, 20) at 100 mm/min

G02 X10 Y20 I5 J5 F100

Clockwise arc to (10, 20) with center offset (5, 5) at 100 mm/min

G03 X10 Y20 I5 J5 F100

Counterclockwise arc to (10, 20) with centre offset (5, 5) at 100 mm/min

G04 P1.0

Dwell (pause) for 1 second


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The G Code List

The letter “ G” stands for geometric, indicating that a G code list contains all the command syntax for CNC Machining. Each Command contains the letter G, filled by numbers 00 to 99.

Additionally, the list includes additional information for each line, such as category, function, and footnotes for complex commands.

Here is the G code list in simple form (Courtesy: CNC Cookbook)

Code Code Type Description/ Function
G00 Motion Rapid Positioning
G01 Motion Move in a straight line at the last speed commanded by  (F)rate
G02 Motion Clockwise circular arc at (F)rate
G03 Motion Counter-clockwise circular arc at (F) feed rate
G04 Motion Dwell: Stop for a specified time.
G05 Motion FADAL Non-Modal Rapids
G09 Motion Exact stop check
G10 Compensation Programmable parameter input
G15 Coordinate Turn Polar Coordinates OFF, return to Cartesian Coordinates
G16 Coordinate Turn Polar Coordinates ON
G17 Coordinate Select X-Y plane (Plane Selection)
G18 Coordinate Select X-Z plane (Plane Selection)
G19 Coordinate Select Y-Z plane (Plane Selection)
G20 Coordinate Program coordinates are inches
G21 Coordinate Program coordinates are mm
G27 Motion Reference point return check
G28 Motion Return to home position
G29 Motion Return from the reference position
G30 Motion Return to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reference point
G32 Canned Constant lead threading (like G01 synchronized with spindle)
G40 Compensation Tool cutter compensation off (radius comp.)
G41 Compensation Tool cutter compensation left (radius comp.)
G42 Compensation Tool cutter compensation right (radius comp.)
G43 Compensation Apply tool length compensation (plus)
G44 Compensation Apply tool length compensation (minus)
G49 Compensation Tool length compensation cancel
G50 Compensation Reset all scale factors to 1.0
G51 Compensation Turn on scale factors
G52 Coordinate Local workshops for all coordinate systems
G53 Coordinate Machine coordinate system (cancel work offsets)
G54 Coordinate Work coordinate system (1st Workpiece)
G55 Coordinate Work coordinate system (2nd Workpiece)
G56 Coordinate Work coordinate system (3rd Workpiece)
G57 Coordinate Work coordinate system (4th Workpiece)
G58 Coordinate Work coordinate system (5th Workpiece)
G59 Coordinate Work coordinate system (6th Workpiece)
G61 Other Exact stop check mode
G62 Other Automatic corner override
G63 Other Tapping mode
G64 Other Best speed path
G65 Other A custom macro simple call
G68 Coordinate Coordinate System Rotation
G69 Coordinate Cancel Coordinate System Rotation
G73 Canned High-speed drilling cycle (small retract)
G74 Canned Left-hand tapping cycle
G76 Canned Fine boring cycle
G80 Canned Cancel canned cycle
G81 Canned Simple drilling cycle
G82 Canned Drilling cycle with dwell (counterboring)
G83 Canned Peck drilling cycle (full retract)
G84 Canned Tapping cycle
G85 Canned Boring cycle, no dwell, feed out
G86 Canned Boring cycle, spindle stop, rapid out
G87 Canned Back boring canned cycle
G88 Canned Boring canned cycle, spindle stop, manual out
G89 Canned Boring canned cycle, dwell, feed out
G90 Coordinate Absolute programming of XYZ (type B and C systems)
G90.1 Coordinate Absolute programming IJK (type B and C systems)
G91 Coordinate Incremental programming of XYZ (type B and C systems)
G91.1 Coordinate Incremental programming IJK (type B and C systems)
G92 Coordinate Offset coordinate system and save parameters
G92 (alternate) Motion Clamp of maximum spindle speed
G92.1 Coordinate Cancel offset and zero parameters
G92.2 Coordinate Cancel offset and retain parameters
G92.3 Coordinate Offset coordinate system with saved parameters
G93 Motion Inverse Time Feed Mode. For use with rotary axes
G94 Motion Units per minute feed mode. Units in inches or mm.
G95 Motion Units per revolution feed mode. Units in inches or mm.
G96 Motion Constant surface speed
G97 Motion Cancel constant surface speed
G98 Canned Return to initial Z plane after canned cycle
G99 Canned  Return to initial R plane after canned cycle


Example of G Code Programming 

To understand the complete form or how G code or the code file looks, let’s consider an example of G Code for drilling an 8 mm depth hole in the stainless workpiece.

  • Workpiece size: 50 x 50 x 20 mm
  • Hole Diameter: 4 mm
  • Hole Depth: 8 mm
  • Hole position: (2mm, 2mm) from centre

Steel workpiece drilling

Here is the G-code for this CNC drilling operation;

G21; Set units to millimeters

G17; Select XY plane

G90; Absolute positioning

G00 X0 Y0  ; Move to origin

G00 X27 Y27; Rapid move to hole position

G81 R2 Z-8 F100 ; Drilling cycle: Rapid to R2 (2 mm above workpiece), drill to Z-8 at 100 mm/min

G80; Cancel canned cycle

G00 Z10; Rapid move up to clear the part

M05; Spindle stop

M30; End of program

Moreover, you can check more CNC Programming Examples of G codes here. These codes (as well as M codes) are required for each operation you execute in a CNC machine. 


What are the Differences Between CNC G codes and M Codes?

G codes and M Codes exist line by line in the same CNC programming file of particular machining operations; you can also see the two M code lines in the above example that have stopped the spindle and ended the program. A CNC M code starts with “M”, followed by numbers similar to G-codes. These are responsible for controlling auxiliary functions of the CNC machine, such as starting and stopping the spindle(M03 and M04), turning on/off the coolant(M08/M09), and ending the program(M30).

Furthermore, the table below differentiates CNC G and M codes.

Table CNC G code VS M Code 

Aspect G-codes (Geometric Codes) M-codes (Miscellaneous Codes)
Syntax Starts with ‘G’ followed by a number Starts with ‘M’ followed by a number
Examples G00 (Rapid positioning), G01 (Linear interpolation) M03 (Start spindle), M08 (Coolant on)
Purpose Control the movements and operations Control auxiliary functions
Functions Positioning, cutting, interpolation Spindle control, coolant control, program flow
Focus Geometric and machining actions Machine control and auxiliary actions
Usage Frequency Used more frequently during machining operations Used at specific points in the program for control actions


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Does G Code Programming Directly Affect the Quality of Machined Parts?

Just think, if the positioning of the spindle is 1 mm deviated from as required for the corresponding tool path, what will this error cause? Well, the result will be a complete failure of the desired part. This is a simple example; there are many other complications, especially in commands like offshore coordinates, local work shifts, coordinate system rotation, etc. Therefore,  G-code programming directly affects the quality of machined parts. Proper G-code ensures precise tool movements, optimal feed rates, and correct cutting speeds. On the other hand, incorrect or poorly optimized G-codes can cause tool misalignment, excessive tool wear, and poor surface finish

At ProleanTech, You can leverage our engineers’ decade of experience in CNC programming to accurately transfer your CAD model (3D design) into a functional part or product. We use computer simulation to optimize the tool path and spindle movement so that we can maintain precision, consistency, and reliability in production. You can request a quote if you need CNC machining services. We are flexible in production volume, whether for a few prototypes or large-scale runs.

Read more: CNC Boring Program


Key Takeaways

  • There are two functions of G code; execution of positioning movement of the spindle. 
  • A slight error in the G code caused tool misalignment and resulted in parts with defects.
  •  G Codes and M codes combined make a CNC program to execute the machining process. G-codes control movement and machining operations, while M-codes manage machine auxiliary functions.
  • The frequency of CNC G code lines is higher in a CNC Program
  • Optimized G-codes and advanced CNC machines are essential for precise machined components.



What is G code?

G code, or Geometric code, is a programming language used to control CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines, specifying movements, positions, and machining operations like cutting, drilling, milling, turning, etc.

How does CNC G code work?

CNC G code works by providing a set of instructions that dictate the movements and actions of a CNC machine. These instructions control the toolpath, speed, and operations.

Which tools create CNC G codes and M Codes?

CNC G and M codes are typically created using Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software like Mastercam, Fusion 360, and SolidWorks CAM.

Can I edit G-codes to optimize the machining operation?

Yes, you can edit G-codes manually to optimize machining operations. You can adjust speeds, feeds, and tool paths.


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