Home 9 Material Machining 9 Steel-Alloy Grades in CNC Machining

Steel-Alloy Grades in CNC Machining

Author: Yaozu Deng
Published on: 2023-07-20

From the construction industry to the automotive sector, the appeal of steel transcends boundaries. This versatile material owes its popularity to its strength, ductility, and malleability. But it’s the distinct alloy grades of steel, each with unique mechanical and chemical properties, that make this metal an invaluable asset in the world of CNC machining.

In steel machining, selecting the right steel alloy grade can significantly impact the process, influencing factors like tool life, surface finish, cycle time, and part accuracy. Understanding the inherent properties of different steel grades can enable better decision-making, leading to enhanced efficiency and productivity. This article will delve into the fundamentals of steel alloy grades, their role in CNC machining, and how they fit into the larger landscape of metal manufacturing.


The Role of Alloying Elements in Steel

Steel alloy primarily composed of iron and carbon. However, it’s the additional alloying elements that influence the steel’s properties, creating a spectrum of grades each suited to specific applications. Let’s take a closer look at some of these key alloying elements:

  1. Carbon (C): As the fundamental building block of steel, carbon profoundly affects hardness and strength. The higher the carbon content, the harder and stronger the steel. However, increased hardness comes with reduced ductility.
  2. Chromium (Cr): Chromium is added to enhance hardness, toughness, and corrosion resistance. It enables the steel to withstand wear and tear, extending its operational life.
  3. Nickel (Ni): Nickel increases the steel’s toughness and improves its resistance to heat and corrosion.
  4. Molybdenum (Mo): Molybdenum enhances strength, hardness, and heat resistance. It also elevates the material’s ability to maintain strength at elevated temperatures.
  5. Vanadium (V): Vanadium strengthens steel and promotes its resistance to wear, making it ideal for high-stress applications.

Table 1: The Influence of Key Alloying Elements on Steel’s Properties

Alloying Element Influenced Properties
Carbon Hardness, Strength
Chromium Hardness, Toughness, Corrosion Resistance
Nickel Toughness, Heat and Corrosion Resistance
Molybdenum Strength, Hardness, Heat Resistance
Vanadium Strength, Wear Resistance


Decoding Steel-Alloy Grades: The SAE/AISI System

The SAE/AISI system is a standard nomenclature for steel grades widely recognized in the United States. It employs a four-digit code to classify the many varieties of steel.

Steel is a complex material that is used in a wide variety of applications. Understanding the properties of different types of steel can be a daunting task, but it can be simplified by looking at the three-digit numbering system used to classify steel.

  • The First Digit: The first digit in the three-digit numbering system represents the major alloying element in the steel. For instance, a 1 represents carbon steel, while a 4 signifies molybdenum steel. Carbon steel is a type of steel that is made from iron and carbon. It is known for its strength and durability, and it is used in a wide range of applications, including construction, automotive, and manufacturing.
  • The second digit: The second digit in the three-digit numbering system denotes the secondary alloying element or elements in the steel. These elements can be added to steel to improve its properties, such as strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. For instance, the addition of chromium to steel can improve its corrosion resistance, while the addition of nickel can improve its strength.
  • The Last Two Digits: The last two digits in the three-digit numbering system specify the carbon concentration in hundredths of a percent. For instance, ’45’ represents 0.45% carbon content. This specification is important because it can affect the properties of the steel, such as its strength, hardness, and ductility.

Table 2: The SAE/AISI Steel Grading System

Digit(s) Represents
First Digit Primary Alloying Element
Second Digit Secondary Alloying Element(s)
Last Two Digits Carbon Concentration


An Exploration into the World of Steel-Alloy Grades

Now that we’ve unraveled the basic components of steel alloy grades, let’s delve deeper into some popular grades commonly used in CNC machining:

  1. SAE/AISI 1018: This grade of carbon steel is easy to machine and weld. It offers good ductility and impact resistance, though its hardness is comparatively low. Typical applications include parts requiring cold forming, such as gears, dowels, and pins.
  2. SAE/AISI 4140: Also known as chromoly steel, 4140 steel is a medium carbon alloy steel with chromium and molybdenum as its main alloying elements. It possesses excellent strength-to-weight ratio, high fatigue strength, and good atmospheric corrosion resistance. It’s often used in making axles, shafts, and gears.
  3. SAE/AISI 4340: This nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy steel offers high toughness and strength if we compare 4140 vs 4340. It also exhibits good fatigue resistance and excellent atmospheric corrosion resistance. It’s typically used in applications that require high strength, such as aircraft landing gear and power transmission gears.

Table 3: Popular Steel-Alloy Grades Used in CNC Machining

SAE/AISI Grade Description Typical Applications
1018 Easy to machine and weld, offers good ductility and impact resistance. Gears, Dowels, Pins
4140 Excellent strength-to-weight ratio, high fatigue strength, and good corrosion resistance. Axles, Shafts, Gears
4340 High toughness and strength, good fatigue resistance, excellent corrosion resistance. Aircraft Landing Gear, Power Transmission Gears


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CNC Machining of Different Steel Grades

Selecting the right grade for steel CNC machining is critical to achieving the desired outcome. Certain factors should be considered while making this choice:

  1. Machinability: Some grades are more easily machinable than others due to their hardness levels and the alloying elements they contain.
  2. Desired Properties: The application of the machined part often dictates the required material properties. For instance, a component exposed to high stress would benefit from a steel grade with high strength and toughness.
  3. Post-Machining Treatments: Some steel grades are better suited to heat treatment or coating processes, which can enhance the machined part’s properties or lifespan.
  4. Cost: The availability and processing requirements of different steel grades can greatly influence their cost.

Table 4: Factors to Consider when Choosing a Steel Grade for CNC Machining

Factor Description
Machinability Ease of machining influenced by hardness and alloying elements
Desired Properties Material properties required based on the application of the machined part
Post-Machining Treatments Suitability of the steel grade to heat treatment or coating processes
Cost Influenced by the availability and processing requirements of the steel grade


Steel Grades: Paving the Path for Diverse Applications

Steel-alloy grades, with their unique compositions and properties, pave the way for diverse applications across industries.

  1. Automotive: The automotive industry is one of the key consumers of different grades of steel. From gears to axles, crankshafts to connecting rods, the strength and durability of steel alloys make them ideal for parts subject to high stress.
  2. Aerospace: The aerospace industry requires materials with an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, making high-strength steel alloys an essential component. The SAE/AISI 4340, for example, is widely used in aircraft landing gear.
  3. Construction: Construction applications require materials with high tensile strength and corrosion resistance. Certain grades of steel, especially those with chromium and nickel, find significant use in building and infrastructure projects.
  4. Oil & Gas: The oil and gas industry uses steel alloys for making parts of drilling equipment and pipelines. These components need to withstand high pressures and corrosive environments, making steel alloys a preferred choice.

Table 5: Industrial Applications of Different Steel-Alloy Grades

Industry Applications Steel-Alloy Grades Commonly Used
Automotive Gears, Axles, Crankshafts 1018, 4140
Aerospace Aircraft Landing Gear 4340
Construction Building Structures, Infrastructure Projects Stainless Steel Grades
Oil & Gas Drilling Equipment, Pipelines Chrome-Moly Grades


Steel-Alloy Grades for CNC Machining: Challenges and Solutions

While steel-alloy grades offer a plethora of benefits, they also come with their share of challenges. However, with the right knowledge and machining techniques, these can be efficiently managed.

  1. Machinability Issues: Certain steel grades, like the high carbon ones, are challenging to machine due to their hardness. These grades can cause excessive wear on cutting tools. However, using coated tools or carbide tools can alleviate this problem.
  2. Surface Finish: Steel grades with high carbon content can sometimes result in a poor surface finish due to their hardness. This can be overcome by using high-quality cutting fluids and optimal cutting parameters.
  3. Heat Management: Steel alloys are known for their heat resistance. While this is beneficial in the final product, it can pose challenges during machining as the heat generated can affect tool life and part accuracy. Using high-performance cutting fluids and proper toolpath strategies can mitigate this issue.


Summing Up

In conclusion, the world of steel-alloy grades is vast, intricate, and fascinating. These grades play a pivotal role in the realm of CNC machining, acting as the backbone for a wide array of components across various industries. Understanding the nuances of these steel grades and their applicability can help optimize machining operations and enhance the final product’s performance.

At Prolean, we leverage our extensive expertise and advanced technology to efficiently machine different steel grades. From selecting the right cutting tools to optimizing machining parameters, we ensure high precision and quality in our operations. Trust Prolean for your custom machining steel components and products for a seamless, hassle-free manufacturing journey.



What are the most common steel grades used in CNC machining?

The most common steel grades used in CNC machining are 1018, 4140, and 4340.

What factors should be considered while selecting a steel grade for CNC machining?

Factors like machinability, desired properties, post-machining treatments, and cost should be considered while selecting a steel grade.

Why are different grades of steel used in CNC machining?

Different grades of steel are used in CNC machining to achieve various properties in the final product, like strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, and more.

Does Prolean offer CNC machining services for different steel grades?

Yes, Prolean offers comprehensive CNC machining services for a wide range of steel grades, catering to diverse industry needs.


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