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Laser Cutting Vs. Waterjet Cutting: Analyzing Capabilities in the Manufacturing Landscape

Published on: 2023-06-27

The manufacturing industry has continuously evolved, mainly due to technological advancements. Among these developments are cutting technologies, which have transitioned from traditional methods to exact techniques such as laser and water jet cutting. Both these methods have significantly improved the manufacturing process’s speed, accuracy, and versatility.

This article aims to dissect the capabilities of laser and water jet cutting, drawing comparisons to provide insights into their suitability for various manufacturing needs.


The Basics of Laser Cutting

CNC laser cutting

Laser cutting is a technology that uses an amplified light beam—laser—to cut through materials. The laser beam, typically around 0.2 mm in diameter and has a power of 1,000 to 2,000 watts, is directed at the material to be cut. The heat from the beam then melts or vaporizes the material.

What is the Science Behind Laser Cutting?

The fundamental science behind laser cutting involves applying a high-power laser beam to heat and subsequently cut through the material. This process is highly focused and controlled, and the high-energy laser beam quickly heats the material to its boiling or melting point. A gas, often nitrogen or oxygen, blows the molten or vaporized material out of the cut, resulting in a smooth and precise cut. The narrow laser beam ensures minimal heat-affected zones, preserving the material’s properties surrounding the cut.

Pros and Cons of Laser Cutting


  1. High precision and accuracy.
  2. Ability to cut complex shapes without the need for tooling.
  3. Minimal heat-affected zone.
  4. Faster than traditional cutting techniques.


  1. High energy consumption.
  2. Limited to certain types of materials.
  3. Possible thermal distortion for thin materials.


The Basics of Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting machine is cutting parts

Water jet machining process is a method that uses a high-pressure stream of water, sometimes mixed with an abrasive substance, to cut materials. It’s a flexible process to cut various materials from metal to stone, glass, and more.

What are the Mechanics of Waterjet Cutting?

Waterjet cutting operates by forcing a large volume of water through a small orifice in the nozzle. The pressurized stream of water, which can reach pressures up to 90,000 PSI, exits the nozzle and impacts the material at high speed to cut it. When abrasive materials are mixed with water, the cutting capability is enhanced, allowing more complex materials like metal or stone to be cut.

Pros and Cons of Waterjet Cutting

Disadvantages of water jet machining:

  1. It can cut a wider variety of materials compared to laser cutting.
  2. No heat-affected zones, reducing the risk of material distortion.
  3. It can cut thicker materials.


  1. It’s not as precise as laser cutting.
  2. It’s slower than laser cutting.
  3. High water consumption.
  4. Increased clean-up and disposal costs due to abrasive waste.


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Material Compatibility of Laser and Waterjet Cutting

When comparing laser and waterjet cutting, one of the primary considerations is their respective material compatibility. These cutting methods differ significantly in the materials they can effectively process.

Laser Cutting Material Compatibility

Laser cutting is a non-contact thermal process that uses a focused laser beam to melt, burn, vaporize, or blow away the material. It is best suited for cutting materials such as:

  • Steel: A laser cutter can effectively cut both stainless and mild steel. The heat from the laser beam rapidly melts the steel, and a high-pressure assist gas removes the molten material.
  • Plastic: Laser cutting is excellent for cutting plastic without causing physical damage or warping due to heat. It leaves a polished edge and can be used to create intricate designs.
  • Wood: Laser cutters are widely used in the woodworking industry for their precision and ability to create intricate designs.

However, certain materials like copper and aluminum have high reflectivity and thermal conductivity. This means they can reflect the laser light and rapidly dissipate heat, making them more challenging to cut with a laser cutter.

Waterjet Cutting Material Compatibility

On the other hand, waterjet cutting uses a high-pressure stream of water, often mixed with an abrasive substance, to erode the material. This makes it a versatile cutting method that can handle virtually any material, including:

  • Metals: Like laser cutting, waterjet cutting can handle various metals. However, it excels with metals that are difficult for lasers, such as copper and aluminum.
  • Glass: Waterjet cutters can effectively cut glass without causing any cracking or breakage, which can occur with other cutting methods.
  • Stone: Waterjet cutting is often used in the stone and tile industry. It can cut intricate designs out of various stone materials, including granite, marble, and quartz.
  • Composites: Waterjet cutting can also handle composite materials. These could be challenging for laser cutters because they might burn or melt the material, affecting the cut’s quality.

Table 1: Material Compatibility for Laser and Waterjet Cutting

Material Laser Cutting Waterjet Cutting
Steel Yes Yes
Plastic Yes No
Wood Yes No
Copper Difficult Yes
Aluminium Difficult Yes
Glass No Yes
Stone No Yes
Composites Difficult Yes


Comparing the Precision of Laser and Waterjet Cutting

Precision is a crucial factor in many manufacturing applications. Both laser and waterjet cutting offer high precision, but there are differences between the two.

  • Laser Cutting Precision

Laser cutting is highly precise due to the laser beam’s narrow focus, allowing for detailed cuts. The typical cutting accuracy of a laser cutting machine can be as high as 0.1 mm. This precision is vital for industries such as electronics and aerospace that require a high degree of accuracy. Additionally, because the laser is non-contact, mechanical distortion is less likely.

  • Waterjet Cutting Precision

Waterjet cutting is less precise than laser cutting, with accuracies typically around 0.3 mm. However, for many applications, this level of accuracy is sufficient. Waterjet cutting is suitable for jobs where the part tolerances do not require the extreme precision of laser cutting.

Table 2: Precision of Laser and Waterjet Cutting

Cutting Method Typical Precision
Laser Cutting (+/-) 0.0005 inch
Waterjet Cutting (+/-) 0.002 inch

Speed and Efficiency in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

In any manufacturing process, speed and efficiency are always of paramount importance. While both laser and waterjet cutting offer quick turnarounds, there are slight variations in the efficiency between the two.

  • Laser Cutting Speed and Efficiency

Laser-cutting systems are known for their high-speed performance. A focused laser beam can rapidly cut through materials, making it an excellent choice for mass production tasks. On the downside, it does consume a considerable amount of power. However, due to its non-contact nature, it requires less cleanup and maintenance than other cutting methods.

  • Waterjet Cutting Speed and Efficiency

Waterjet cutting, while slower than laser cutting, is still fairly efficient. The process, being mechanical, is slower as it uses abrasive grit for cutting. Additionally, it uses significantly less power than laser cutting, making it a more energy-efficient option. However, it does generate some waste material in the form of used abrasive.

Table 3: Speed and Efficiency in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

Parameters Laser Cutting Waterjet Cutting
Cutting Speed High Moderate
Energy Consumption High Low
Maintenance & Cleanup Less More
Waste Production Minimal Moderate


The versatility of Applications in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

Both laser and waterjet cutting technologies serve a broad range of industries, but the versatility of their applications varies. The table below provides a detailed comparison of the applications of laser cutting and waterjet cutting:

Table 4: Applications of laser and water-jet cutting

Industry Laser Cutting Applications Waterjet Cutting Industry
Electronics Precise cutting of components Not suitable
Aerospace Cutting lightweight, high-strength metals Cutting composites and metals
Automotive Fabrication of custom parts Cutting and shaping parts
Art Not suitable Creating intricate designs in a variety of materials

Note: Waterjet cutting is suitable for almost all materials, whereas laser cutting is better suited for thinner materials that are not highly reflective or conductive.

Related to: Water Jet Cutting in Aerospace Applications


Operational Costs and Investment in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

The total cost of ownership and operational costs are essential considerations when deciding between laser and waterjet cutting.

  • Laser Cutting Costs

Laser-cutting machines generally have a higher initial cost than waterjet cutters. They also require a significant amount of power to operate, contributing to higher running costs. However, the low maintenance needs and the speed of operation can offset these costs in the long run.

  • Waterjet Cutting Costs

Waterjet cutters have a lower upfront cost compared to laser cutters. Their operating expenses, including water use, abrasive materials, and waste disposal, can add up. They also require regular maintenance to prevent clogging and wear.


Safety Considerations in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

Safety should be a top concern in any manufacturing environment. Laser and waterjet cutting systems have specific safety considerations that must be addressed.

  • Laser Cutting Safety

Laser cutters, by nature, can pose safety risks. Direct exposure to the laser beam can cause severe burns and eye injuries. Also, laser cutting, especially of certain metals, can produce harmful fumes that need proper ventilation. However, most modern laser-cutting machines have safety features and enclosures to protect operators.

  • Waterjet Cutting Safety

Waterjet cutting systems are relatively safe to operate. They don’t produce heat, reducing the risk of burns and fires. However, they create a wet environment, which could lead to slip hazards, and the high-pressure system can potentially cause injuries if not used correctly.

Table: Safety Considerations in Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

Criteria’s Laser Cutting Waterjet Cutting
Risk of Burns High Low
Fume Production Yes No
Slip Hazards No Yes
Pressure-related Injuries No Yes


Environmental Impact of Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

In today’s world, eco-friendliness is a significant concern for many businesses. It’s essential to consider the environmental impact of laser and waterjet cutting technologies.

  • Laser Cutting and the Environment

Laser-cutting machines consume a significant amount of electricity, which can increase a company’s carbon footprint if the electricity is sourced from non-renewable resources. Furthermore, laser cutting can produce potentially harmful fumes, depending on the material being cut.

  • Waterjet Cutting and the Environment

Waterjet cutting is considered more eco-friendly than laser cutting. It consumes less energy and produces no harmful fumes or heat. However, water and abrasive waste need proper disposal, and water consumption can be high.

Table 6: Environmental Impact of Laser vs. Waterjet Cutting

Criteria’s Laser Cutting Waterjet Cutting
Energy Consumption High Moderate
Emission of Harmful Fumes Potential None
Waste Production Minimal Moderate (Abrasive Waste)
Water Usage None High



When choosing between laser cutting and waterjet cutting, it’s essential to consider all these factors: material compatibility, precision, speed, versatility, costs, safety, and environmental impact. The choice will ultimately depend on your specific business needs and the nature of the tasks at hand.

Remember that Prolean’s CNC Laser cutting and Waterjet Cutting Service offer both technologies, allowing you to choose the one that best meets your requirements.



Which is faster: laser cutting or waterjet cutting?

Laser cutting is generally faster than waterjet cutting.

Can both laser and waterjet cutters handle all materials?

No. Laser cutters struggle with reflective materials and thick plates, whereas waterjets can handle almost any material but may be less precise with tough materials.

Which cutting method is more eco-friendly?

Waterjet cutting is generally considered more eco-friendly as it produces no harmful emissions but consumes water and abrasive materials.

Are there safety risks with laser and waterjet cutting?

Yes, both methods have safety considerations. Laser cutting can cause burns and produce harmful fumes, while waterjet cutting involves high-pressure systems and a wet environment.

Does Prolean offer both laser and waterjet cutting services?

Yes, Prolean offers CNC laser and waterjet cutting services to meet various manufacturing needs.


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