Home 9 Material Machining 9 Copper Laser Cutting: The Basics And Suitability For Parts

Copper Laser Cutting: The Basics And Suitability For Parts

Author: Yaozu Deng
Published on: 2025-03-26

An image of a laser cutting machine cutting a copper sheet, sparks forming

Copper Laser Cutting

Copper is versatile in construction, electronics, and many other industries. With such widescale use, a focus on precision cutting of the material is paramount. Due to its many benefits, CNC laser cutting is a preferred method for today’s uses.

Laser cutting for copper produces accurate cuts to suit different levels of complexity in parts. Traditional cutting techniques may not achieve such quality of cuts. Laser cutting is also very versatile, allowing for all custom laser cutting services you may require for successful copper projects. 

With modern laser cutting and machines, Prolean Tech excels in precision copper cutting, a critical technology in various industries. Our years of experience and unmatched expertise in this area ensure unmatched precision in every cut. 

We have testimonials from across the globe about the countless successful copper-cutting projects we have handled. 

This article reviews the technology in detail to address all common questions about copper laser cutting. Read on as you consider partnering with Prolean Tech for the best copper laser cutting solutions. 


About Copper and Its Relevance in Your Projects

Understanding the potential types of copper parts or products is easier if you first know about the material itself. Copper is a special and versatile material with expansive industrial and general applications. 

Copper is one of the oldest metals in the industry with proven and unparalleled durability. We see this metal daily in electrical wires, pipes, tubes, etc. 

A closeup image of many interlinked electrical copper wires

Electrical copper wires

Copper’s versatility is in the unique blend of properties that include corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, machinability, and strength. 

Copper has a characteristic reddish-orange appearance, which darkens over time due to oxidation.

An image showing a pile of copper rods with roughly cut ends

Copper rods

Copper may not be among the strongest metals, but certain copper alloys, such as bronze and brass, offer enhanced strength and durability compared to pure copper.. The material is also easy to fabricate and offers excellent malleability. It is especially easy to hammer and roll this metal without damage.  


What Are The Challenges Of Copper Cutting? 

As a copper part client, understanding the potential cutting challenges with laser cutting and laser engraving copper is necessary to appreciate the material’s unique properties and know how to source cutting services. 

Copper has very good properties, including thermal conductivity, versatility, and the others already mentioned, but it can be difficult to cut. The cutting difficulty stems from its reflectivity and conductivity properties, making laser cutting challenging.

But with the right approach, cutting copper on a laser is doable. For instance, one could use a copper vapour laser to produce highly precise cuts for copper microfabrication. 

Prolean Tech is conversant with these challenges and expertly navigates them to produce the best laser cuts on copper. 

The High Reflectivity of Copper Makes Laser Cutting Challenging

Copper is naturally a very reflective material. Since the effectiveness of cutting with a laser depends on a material’s capability to absorb energy, cutting copper on a laser or even laser etching copper is fundamentally going to be challenging.

A reflective surface reflects the cutting beam, making the cutting process problematic and possibly damaging the laser machine. Fortunately, special copper laser-cutting machines were built specifically to avoid that problem. 

The High Thermal Conductivity Of Copper is Equally Challenging 

The material’s high thermal conductivity is the next challenge with copper cutting using laser technology. This property means heat is conducted very fast from the material’s surface, even when laser etching copper. 

An image of a table showing the thermal conductivity of copper and other substances 

Thermal conductivity of copper

Copper loses its heat fast, so the cuts are likely uneven. Moreover, it can make the processing times for the material relatively longer, thus adding to the cost of laser-cut copper parts. 

Concerning the cost of laser cutting, check this guide: Laser Cutting Cost Guide – Optimize Your Project Budget

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This Is How To Cut Copper Sheet Metal

Given the challenges of cutting copper sheet metal, using the right cutting technology is crucial. This requires identifying the available cutting methods and choosing the best one. The main laser cutting methods are outlined in Master Laser Cutting – Processes, Materials & Applications

Apart from using the right cutting technique/machine, setting the machine correctly is also instrumental to getting accurate, clean cuts on copper sheet metal. At ProleanTech, we follow these fundamentals always to produce the best laser-cut copper parts.

Here are more details of the steps we follow in the copper-cutting process for a laser machine: 

Step 1: Laser Machine Selection – Fiber Lasers Preferable 

An image of a compact-looking machine showing a fibre laser cutter creating intricate shapes on a metal sheet

Fiber laser cutting machine

Different laser cutting machines are optimized for cutting a particular market niche. Fibre lasers are the most suitable for copper sheet metal cutting because they ensure good energy absorption and minimize the potential for reflection issues, which can be challenging for CO2 cutters. 

A labeled diagram of a conventional CO2 laser cutting machine

A Schematic of a CO2 cutter

Step 2: Preparing The Copper Material For Cutting 

The next step is to set up the copper sheet metal on the laser cutting machine. We ensure it is securely placed on the machine bed without warping during laser cutting or laser engraving copper. One cause of uneven cuts is an uneven surface on the copper material, so we ensure the sheet metal is perfectly flat on the bed. 

The factory at Prolean Tech is well-ventilated to ensure adequate airflow and prevent heat accumulation. 

Step 3: Setting Up The Machine And Completing The Cut

Two important parameters to set on the laser-cutting machine are power and focus. For power, we set it to a level just enough to cut through the copper sheet metal without causing rough edges through extreme heat. The idea is to base the cutting power on the thickness of the copper material. 

The focus of the laser cutting machine determines the quality and accuracy of the cut. Our machinists have the skills to set the right focus so that the cut concentrates on the designated path for a sharp cut. 

An image of a cutting process showing a laser cutting machine producing a sharp cut on a metal sheet

Laser sharp cut

With this general approach, Prolean Tech can always deliver the best copper sheet metal laser cutting results for mass production or ProleanTech-custom parts on-demand manufacturing

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Consider These Advantages Of Copper Laser Cutting 

Regarding copper fabrication alternatives, copper laser cutting stands out for many reasons. It is more accurate, versatile, faster, and gives more repeatable results compared to alternatives, among other advantages. 

At Prolean Tech, we utilize modern technological capabilities to comply with today’s dynamic business demands and ensure clients enjoy these advantages.

We don’t just cut copper; we provide brilliance every time. Here are the reasons why our copper laser cutting service is advantageous in your projects:

Accuracy As Good As +/- 0.0100mm

Laser cutting may not be the most accurate cutting method, but it suits medical, aerospace, and other critical industries where accuracy is paramount. One of the reasons these industries prefer copper laser cutting is the technology’s admirable accuracy. 

An image of copper parts of different shapes, sizes, and laser-cut holes

Accurately laser-cut copper parts

An accuracy of about +/- 0.0100mm from copper laser cutting is good enough for many parts in these industries. Further, we can repeatedly give this accuracy, cementing our certification under the ISO 9001:2015 standard. 

Design Flexibility for Different Levels Of Part Intricacy

Copper laser technology can help you achieve countless designs. You may be interested in an intricate copper sink- this level of design is simple to deliver with this technology. The same case applies to simpler items such as washers. 

A motherboard showing a copper heat sink and other components

A copper heat sink

For all your 2D profile designs, contact Prolean Tech, and the results will always be awesome. 

Material Versatility 

We work with different copper gauges. Some are extremely thin, while others are thicker. The benefit of our laser cutting technology is the capability to operate perfectly within a wide gauge range. 

An image of a stack of copper sheets of similar thickness 

Medium-thickness copper sheets

Rapid Copper Cutting 

Another aspect of laser cutting that wows our clients is the rapid speed. Setting up the machine takes no time, and the cutting process is equally fast. Therefore, we can finish your projects within the schedule. 

If you want a prototype of a copper sheet or need to ramp up your mass production, our laser-cutting service would be the best choice.

Repeatable Results 

Using laser cutting services from Prolean Tech is the perfect way to produce repeatable parts, from simple ones like retainer rings to complex ones. A CNC machine dictates the cuts so consistency is guaranteed. Instances of human error leading to inconsistent cuts are unheard of with our copper-cutting projects. 

An image showing a collection of copper retainer rings

Copper retainer rings

Our world-class quality control is perfect for all your projects because you are assured of tight tolerances no matter the number of pieces involved. 

Copper Laser Cutting With Prolean Tech, The Center For Excellence And Cost-Effectiveness

Because we have been in the industry for many years, we have heard about the traditional difficulty of cutting copper. The “yellow metal” tag means that copper is reflective and conductivity, both recipes for reduced efficiency in the laser beam. 

At Prolean Tech, the laser cutting machines are designed with this conventional challenge in mind. Our advanced CO2, Nd, and Nd: YAG lasers cut even the most problematic materials like copper. 

An image of a labelled schematic diagram of an Nd: YAG laser

A Schematic of an Nd: YAG laser

We also have unmatched expertise and are ready to tackle every copper-cutting project excellently. The intricacy required, and the copper alloy grade involved are not concerning because the team is always up to the challenge. 

Our skills and technology help us achieve fine tolerances down to ± 0.005 ″ (0.127 mm).

Our expertise extends to other special materials, such as nylon. Find the details of nylon laser cutting in this guide: Nylon Laser Cutting – Techniques, Benefits & Industrial Uses

Innovation is crucial when executing the most complex laser-cutting projects. Our capability to stay ahead of any manufacturing makes us noticeable among numerous solution providers. 

Our innovative cutting techniques help us manage challenges related to copper’s reflectivity, conductivity, and thickness. 

To start this valuable partnership with us, upload your project files here and get your custom quote now.  



Finding the perfect method to cut copper is a tough call, but copper laser cutting is perfect for many applications. When the technique is in good hands, it can produce clean cuts on copper. 

Copper cutting is an art that involves several considerations, including the available cutting method, material thickness, copper alloy grade, the speed required, and your budget. 

ProleanTech provides copper-cutting services for other materials such as platinum, aluminium, and thermoplastic. With a partner like us available, you don’t have to gamble with your laser-cut copper parts again.

Are you ready to elevate your next copper-cutting project? We are the go-to company for this. Upload your design and ask for a free quote. We will do the rest. 

Contact us today.  



What are the key factors attributing to successful cuts of copper? 

The key factors for successful copper cuts are the cutting method, material thickness, cutting parameters, and material preparation for cutting. 

Can you cut copper with a laser cutter?

Yes, you can cut copper with a laser cutter. 

What tool is best for cutting copper?

The best tool for cutting copper is the fibre laser cutting machine because of its advantages, such as versatility and non-reflectivity. 

What is the best laser for engraving copper?

The best laser for engraving copper is the UV laser because the material absorbs UV laser light. 

Can a CO2 laser engrave copper?   

No, a CO2 laser cannot efficiently engrave copper. The highly reflective nature of the material makes the laser ineffective in this process.  

If the cutting speed is fast, will the cutting copper effect be better?

No, high cutting speed can worsen the copper cutting effect because the material has high thermal conductivity, meaning that heat dissipates from the cutting area fast. 


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