Home 9 CNC Machining 9 CNC Machining: Best Approach for Manufacturing

CNC Machining: Best Approach for Manufacturing

Author: Max
Published on: 2022-09-22

CNC machining is the dominant production method in the contemporary environment, from prototype development to large-scale development for various sectors. CNC machining can deliver accuracy, speed production, and parts complexity for many materials.

CNC machines are computer-controlled-electro-mechanical devices that can create a shape similar to the uploaded CAD file with tight tolerance. Various operations such as milling, turning, tapering, drilling, and all others can be done with a CNC machine. Input and machining instructions are given through the computer, which dictates the tools around the varying axes to create the desired shape.

This article will briefly discuss the advantages of CNC machining, applicable industries, and why it is superior to other manufacturing approaches.


Why Use CNC Machining?

1. Dimensional Accuracy

Precision is the key benefit of CNC machining operations. It can create complex geometries with high accuracy with minimum manual observation. However, the accuracy of parts depends upon the expertise of Operators. High-skill operators can achieve very tight tolerance with CNC machining operations. While conventional approaches struggle to get 0.004 mm tolerance, CNC machines can get that quickly.

2. Mass-Production

CNC machines offer high production speeds. Since it follows the instructions from the computer, less time will take to machine. With fewer operators, CNC machining operations can be done in a very short period. If your project needs mass production of parts, CNC machining will be the ideal approach to produce the amount quickly. One setting and instruction will work for all aspects and create thousands of identical items.

3. Can work with a wide range of materials.

CNC machine is fully compatible with various composite, plastic, metal, and wood family materials. In all other scenarios, it works best until tools get distorted by the very tough material. Then, whatever material suits the required properties for your project, you can use the CNC machining approach.

4. Cost-effective process

You might think creating parts with a CNC machine is expensive to process, but it is not. CNC machining does not use too many operators and can perform various tasks in less time than conventional approaches, reducing the machining cost. However, producing fewer identical items might be a bit more costly. But, while creating many similar things, it is always a cost-effective process; one Design, tool-set up, and instruction works for all the parts.

5. Complex Parts 

Since CNC machines create the parts from CAD designs, they can work on any possible geometry and Design on computer software. So, the CNC machining process allows the creation of complex shapes using various machining operations such as milling, turning, drilling, welding, and many others.


Use of CNC Machining Process

CNC machining applies to a wide range of industries. It can create parts and complete products for almost every industry in the modern economy.

  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Medical
  • Hardware
  • Construction
  • Tools and measurement
  • Architecture
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Agriculture
  • Robotic & Automation
  • Defense
  • Renewable Energy
  • Food & Medicine


Comparisons of CNC Machining with Other Approaches

3D printing

Like CNC machining, 3D printing can produce intricate shapes with acceptable accuracy, but keep your selections for material in mind.

Only a few materials are available for 3D printing, such as ABS, PLA, and mixtures. Meanwhile, 100+ other materials, including composites, metal, plastics, wood, and foam, can be worked on by CNC machining. Another advantage of CNC machining over the 3D printing method is its lower cost for mass manufacturing identical parts.


Casting provides several benefits over CNC machining, including producing thousands of identical items using a single die. In most circumstances, it may also be more expensive, but accuracy is the issue. In addition, Die-cast components may have surface cracks, increasing the number of defective pieces. CNC machining might not be faster than die casting while producing many identical items. Still, it matches the production speed for medium-range volume since the CNC machining approach can also be created with the same instruction tool setup and CAD design.

When it comes to how a material’s properties change after manufacture, casting involves melting the material, which can impact the properties. Still, CNC machining maintains consistent mechanical, physical, and chemical properties throughout the manufacturing process.

Injection Molding

Injection molding is also an excellent manufacturing process, but working materials are much less than the CNC machining approach. Injection molding applies to only thermoplastic materials. Also, injection molding is costlier if you need to produce a few parts because a separate die is required for a particular shape. In contrast, CNC machining only needs the computer design of the region.



There are various manufacturing techniques, but CNC machining is the ideal method since it is precise, affordable, and capable of producing complicated shapes. Other techniques, like 3D printing, can also achieve significant accuracy but are only compatible with a few materials. Prolean provides exact CNC machining at a fair price with various material choices. Do not hesitate to contact us if your project calls for CNC machining services.



What kinds of materials can be fabricated using CNC technology?

Various materials can be machined with CNC machines, including plastics, metals, wood, composites, etc. Every material is machinable, which does not have a high hardness value &cannot distort the tools.

Why Choose CNC Machining?

There are various benefits to using CNC machining instead of conventional production techniques. Still, the three most essential benefits are creating complicated geometries, achieving high precision levels, and severely reducing manufacturing time.

What is the achievable tolerance limit for CNC machining?

CNC machines are capable of maintaining ±0. 025mm tolerance easily. However, it depends on the operator’s expertise & Prolean offers ±0.005″ or 0.13mm as the standard machining tolerance for any of your complex parts.


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