Home 9 Material Machining 9 Galvanized Aluminum vs. Galvanized Steel: Understanding the Advantages & Applications for Your Projects

Galvanized Aluminum vs. Galvanized Steel: Understanding the Advantages & Applications for Your Projects

Author: Yaozu Deng
Published on: 2023-08-11

The process of choosing the perfect metal for a project can be quite overwhelming due to the vast selection of metals and their respective variations available. However, there is one particular variation that is not as commonly known as its parent material, aluminum, but is definitely worth considering for its unique advantages – galvanized aluminum. This type of metal has a distinguished place in various applications due to its exceptional qualities, which include high resistance to corrosion and rust, as well as being lightweight and highly durable. Additionally, It is eco-friendly and cost-effective, making it popular in construction, transportation, and manufacturing industries. Consider it as an option for your project’s requirements.

This article explores the depths of galvanized aluminum, its benefits, galvanized steel, steel properties,  and a comparison of galvanized aluminum and galvanized steel.


Can Aluminum be Galvanized? Unveiling the Truth

Galvanization typically refers to the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron to prevent rusting. The term comes from the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, who discovered the process of chemically bonding zinc to another metal. However, can this process be applied to aluminum? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think.

Aluminum has a natural oxide layer that forms when it is exposed to air. This oxide layer is extremely thin but very protective, giving the aluminum excellent resistance to corrosion. The layer repairs itself instantly if damaged, maintaining the metal’s integrity.

When zinc is applied to aluminum, it doesn’t adhere as well as it does to steel. The oxide layer that forms naturally on aluminum prevents the zinc from bonding properly. This means that while it’s technically possible to galvanize aluminum, it’s not usually done because the benefits are minimal. The process is more complex and costly than it’s worth for the marginal improvement in corrosion resistance.

Overall, while it’s technically possible to galvanize aluminum, it’s rarely done in practice. The natural corrosion resistance of aluminum makes the process unnecessary in most applications.


Demystifying Galvanized Aluminum

Texture of galvanized aluminum

Texture of galvanized aluminum

Galvanized aluminum represents a fascinating juxtaposition of two prominent players in the world of metals – aluminum and zinc. As the term ‘galvanization’ suggests, this process involves the application of a protective zinc coating to metal, in this case, aluminum, to shield it from corrosive elements. The ensuing result, galvanized aluminum, leverages the combined advantages of both its constituents.

1. The Galvanizing Process:

The journey of transforming ordinary aluminum into galvanized aluminum involves an intriguing process. It starts with the aluminum undergoing a thorough cleaning process to eliminate any oxides or impurities on the surface. This is followed by immersing the aluminum in a molten zinc bath, typically at a temperature of around 860 degrees Fahrenheit. As the aluminum soaks in the zinc bath, a metallurgical reaction takes place, leading to the formation of zinc-aluminum alloy layers on the aluminum’s surface.

2. The Outcome – Galvanized Aluminum:

The resulting galvanized aluminum embodies the best of both worlds. From aluminum, it inherits lightness, ductility, and good thermal and electrical conductivity. The added zinc coating provides excellent protection against corrosion, enhancing the lifespan of the material in adverse environments.

Table 1: Characteristics of Galvanized Aluminum

Characteristic Galvanized Aluminum
Weight Lightweight
Ductility High
Thermal Conductivity High
Electrical Conductivity High
Corrosion Resistance High
Lifespan Extended due to zinc coating

3. Grades of Galvanized Aluminum:

Just as with other metals, galvanized aluminum is available in different grades, each designed for specific applications. For example, some grades come with an additional organic or inorganic coating to enhance the aluminum’s color, lubricity, or resistance to finger marking. Understanding the characteristics and capabilities of each grade is crucial for selecting the most suitable one for your project.


Various Properties of Galvanized Aluminum: Numerical Value Table

Here’s a detailed table of some properties of galvanized aluminum. However, the properties of galvanized aluminum can vary based on the specific aluminum alloy being used and the exact galvanizing process. Always refer to the specific datasheets for the materials and processes you are using for the most accurate information.

Table 2: Various properties of galvanized aluminum

Property Value
Density (g/cm³) 2.7
Melting Point (°C) 660.3
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) 205
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (per °C at 20°C) 23.1 x 10^-6
Electrical Resistivity (nΩ.m) 26.5
Yield Strength (MPa) 35-55 (for common alloys)
Tensile Strength (MPa) 70-700 (depending on alloy and treatment)
Elongation at Break (%) 10-50 (depending on alloy and treatment)
Poisson’s Ratio 0.33
Hardness (Brinell scale) 20-165 (depending on alloy and treatment)


The Aluminum Galvanization Process: Step-by-Step

While galvanization typically refers to a process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron to prevent rusting, aluminum can undergo a similar process known as aluminizing. This process is typically carried out through a method called hot-dip aluminizing (HDA).

Here’s a simplified step-by-step representation of the process:

Step 1: Preparation

The first step is the preparation of the materials. The surface of the steel is thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt, grease, or oxidation. This can be achieved using chemical cleaning methods, sandblasting, or abrasive cleaning.

Step 2: Heating

The steel is then heated to a high temperature in a furnace. The exact temperature depends on the specific type of steel and the desired properties of the final product.

Step 3: Dipping

The heated steel is then dipped in a molten bath of aluminum. The high temperature of the steel ensures that the aluminum spreads evenly over the surface, forming a coating.

Step 4: Cooling and Finishing

After dipping, the steel is cooled, which solidifies the aluminum coating. It can then be finished to the desired specifications, which may include further heat treatment, machining, or painting.

Read more: Titanium Vs Steel: A Comprehensive Guide to properties, uses and implications


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Galvanized Aluminum vs. Galvanized Steel: An Enlightening Faceoff

In the world of construction and manufacturing, galvanized steel and galvanized aluminum are two materials that often vie for the same applications. Yet, they offer unique strengths and weaknesses that can swing the balance depending on the specific needs of the project.

1. Material Strength

Steel is known for its superior strength compared to aluminum, and this advantage holds even when both materials are galvanized. For projects that require high structural integrity, galvanized steel often becomes the material of choice.

2. Weight Considerations

Aluminum’s low density gives it a substantial weight advantage over steel, making galvanized aluminum a preferred choice for applications where weight is a crucial factor, such as in the automotive and aerospace industries.

3. Corrosion Resistance

While both galvanized aluminum and galvanized steel offer enhanced resistance to corrosion thanks to the protective zinc coating, their performance varies under different circumstances. Galvanized aluminum generally holds up better in marine environments, thanks to the additional barrier provided by aluminum’s natural oxide layer.

4. Cost Implications

Galvanized steel is often more cost-effective than galvanized aluminum due to the low cost of steel alloys. However, the total cost of ownership should also consider other factors like lifespan, maintenance needs, and operational efficiency, which may favor galvanized aluminum in certain situations.

Table 2: Comparison between Galvanized Aluminum and Galvanized Steel

Property Galvanized Aluminum Galvanized Steel
Strength Lower Higher
Weight Lighter Heavier
Corrosion Resistance Better in marine environments Generally good
Cost Higher initial cost Lower initial cost


The Risk of Galvanic Corrosion: Aluminum vs. Stainless Steel

old rusty chains and shackles

Galvanic corrosion

Galvanic corrosion is a concern whenever dissimilar metals come into electrical contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte, which in most real-world conditions is water. This can happen, for example, when stainless steel and aluminum are in close proximity.

Stainless steel and aluminum both have benefits. Stainless steel is renowned for its strength and resistance to corrosion, whereas aluminum is lauded for its lightweight, thermal conductivity, and likewise corrosion resistance. Despite their individual advantages, when these two metals are in contact, it can potentially lead to galvanic corrosion.

The process of galvanic corrosion occurs because the two metals have different potentials in the electrochemical series. Here, stainless steel acts as the cathode, and aluminum acts as the anode. The anode is the metal that corrodes faster than it would alone, while the cathode corrodes slower.

One of the ways to prevent galvanic corrosion is through careful design. This involves ensuring that the two metals are not in direct contact, using a barrier such as rubber or plastic to separate them. Another approach is to use a sacrificial anode, which is a metal that is more anodic than the metals it’s protecting.

A practical example of galvanic corrosion in the real world would be an aluminum boat with stainless steel fittings. Without proper precautions, the aluminum around the fittings would corrode prematurely. However, using the methods described above, this can be prevented.


Discovering the Applications of Galvanized Aluminum

While it is technically challenging to galvanize aluminum, the material still finds various applications across several industries. An equivalent to galvanization in aluminum is called “aluminizing”, where the surface of the steel is coated with aluminum to improve its resistance to high-temperature corrosion.

It’s crucial to note that even without galvanization, aluminum is an extremely versatile material. It’s found everywhere, from the automotive and aerospace industries to food packaging, construction, and more. Let’s look at a few instances where aluminum is used due to its advantageous properties.

  • Automotive and Aerospace Industries

In both the automotive and aerospace industries, the lightweight nature of aluminum makes it an ideal choice. It contributes to fuel efficiency in cars and reduces the overall weight of aircraft.

  • Construction Industry

In construction, aluminum is used in everything from window frames to roofing. Its corrosion resistance makes it suitable for outdoor applications, and its light weight makes it easier to work with.

  • Food and Beverage Packaging

Aluminum is widely used in food and beverage packaging, thanks to its ability to resist corrosion and its non-toxic nature. Aluminum cans are a common sight in supermarkets worldwide.

  • Electronics

In electronics, aluminum is used for its excellent thermal conductivity. It’s commonly used in heat sinks to help keep electronic components cool.

Table 3: Application of galvanized aluminum across different industries

Industry Application
Automotive and Aerospace Used in vehicle bodies, engine parts, and aircraft fuselages due to its lightweight nature
Construction Used in window frames, roofing, and siding for its corrosion resistance and lightweight
Food and Beverage Packaging Used in aluminum cans and food packaging due to its non-toxic nature and corrosion resistance
Electronics Used in heat sinks and electronic casing due to its excellent thermal conductivity


The Power of Prevention: Mitigating Galvanic Corrosion

Despite its potential to cause substantial damage, galvanic corrosion is a preventable phenomenon. Here are some strategies used to mitigate galvanic corrosion:

1. Using Similar Metals

One of the simplest ways to prevent galvanic corrosion is to use metals that are close together on the galvanic series. These metals have similar potentials, thus decreasing the voltage difference and, as a result, the corrosion rate. For example, if you are constructing a structure that requires different metals, consider using a metal that is one or two steps away from the original metal on the galvanic series.

2. Applying Protective Coatings

Protective coatings such as paint, plastic, or even a thin layer of grease can act as a barrier between the metals and the electrolyte, preventing galvanic corrosion. These coatings provide an extra layer of protection that can significantly reduce the corrosion rate. For instance, applying a layer of paint to a metal surface can shield it from water and other corrosive substances, preventing the electrolyte from coming into contact with the metal.

3. Design Considerations

If different metals must be used, efforts should be made to shield the more anodic metal (the one that will corrode) from the electrolyte. This can involve physical barriers or designing the structure to allow water to drain away from the anodic areas. For example, if you are building a structure that requires different metals, you can design it in such a way that the more anodic metal is located in an area that is less exposed to water or moisture. This can help minimize the risk of galvanic corrosion.

4. Use of Sacrificial Anodes

A sacrificial anode is a metal that is more anodic than the metals it is protecting. It is designed to be the first to corrode, protecting the other metals. This method is often used in boat hulls and water heaters. By using a sacrificial anode, you can significantly extend the life of the other metals. For instance, if you are designing a boat hull, you can use a zinc anode that will corrode before the other metals, thus protecting them from galvanic corrosion.


Prolean’s Excellence: Aluminum Machining & Fabrication Services

With a deep understanding of aluminum’s unique characteristics and the challenges associated with galvanized aluminum, Prolean is well-positioned to provide high-quality aluminum machining and fabrication services. We’re equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and a team of experienced professionals who can handle everything from prototyping to mass production.

Whether you’re looking for custom components, complex assemblies, or large-scale manufacturing solutions, we offer all types of steel machining and steel fabrication services. By choosing Prolean, you’re opting for uncompromised quality, efficiency, and service in the realm of steel and aluminum manufacturing.

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Galvanized aluminum stands as a vital player in the world of metals, its unique properties bringing an array of benefits and uses across a multitude of industries. While it does face some challenges like potential galvanic corrosion, these can be mitigated with the right knowledge and practices, ensuring the material’s longevity and performance.

As we move towards an increasingly efficiency-driven future, galvanized aluminum will continue to play a significant role, particularly in sectors where weight and corrosion resistance are critical. Prolean’s comprehensive Aluminum Machining & Fabrication Services offer specialized expertise and cutting-edge solutions for all your galvanized aluminum needs, ensuring high-quality, precision-engineered components for your projects.



1. Is galvanized aluminum as strong as galvanized steel?

Galvanized steel is stronger than galvanized aluminum due to the inherent strength of the base metals. However, aluminum’s lower density makes it lighter, which can be an advantage in many applications.

2. Can aluminum be galvanized?

In the traditional sense, aluminum cannot be hot-dip galvanized like steel. This is because aluminum has a protective oxide layer that prevents the zinc from adhering properly. However, aluminum can be coated with a zinc-aluminum alloy to improve corrosion resistance.

3. What industries commonly use galvanized aluminum?

Galvanized aluminum is commonly used in industries like construction, transportation, and electronics, where its light weight and excellent corrosion resistance are highly valued.

4. How can I prevent galvanic corrosion of galvanized aluminum?

To prevent galvanic corrosion, avoid placing galvanized aluminum in direct contact with more noble metals such as copper or stainless steel. You can also use insulating materials, apply protective coatings, or design the assembly for proper drainage to help reduce the risk.


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