Home 9 CNC Machining 9 Cost Reduction tips for CNC machining

Cost Reduction tips for CNC machining

Published on: 2022-09-24
Home 9 CNC Machining 9 Cost Reduction tips for CNC machining

CNC machining is one of the prominent manufacturing approaches for producing different parts in several industries. For example, simple mechanical tools to complex aerospace parts are made from CNC machining.

The cost of CNC machining depends on several factors, so the price of CNC machining is not easy to predict with accuracy. Some of the important aspects that influence the cost of CNC machining includes,

  • Tool set-up
  • Type of material
  • Required tolerance
  • Complexity of project
  • Surface finishes
  • Machining time
  • The volume of the production

Different factors which influence the cost depend on the design complexity of the parts. Optimizing designs decrease the machining time and steps, resulting in a lower machining cost. Following are the top 7 Cost reduction tips for CNC Machining.


Choose the Optimum Material.

Because various materials have varying machinability properties, the type of the material is one of the important variables in CNC machining cost. For instance, stainless steel is more expensive and less machinable than aluminium. Therefore, select a material that satisfies all necessary attributes, including hardness, strength, durability, and others, while considering its machinability.


Make Small Inside Corners

Smaller tools and sow speed will be required when you make a narrow internal radius. As a result, less -complex tools will be needed and lower the machining cost. So, Make the inside corner’s diameter less than three times the length.


Avoid thin walls

Thin walls take more time to machine because they need slow machining speed since they are likely to crack and be distorted. In addition, maintaining tight tolerance with the thin wall is also a time-consuming task. So To minimize the cost, the walls’ thickness must be appropriate. The walls of parts should be a minimum width of 1/32″.


Avoid Deep Cavities/Pockets

Creating Deep Cavities/Pockets in the parts requires more time, and it is an excessive material removable process which leads to more cost. It is also a sensitive process for the prospects of operators. They must be extra careful because deep cavities could affect the tool deflection, breakage, and tool hanging.

Therefore, to reduce the cost of CNC machining for your project, design the cavities with no deep more than 4 times their width.


Large-Volume Production

While producing parts in large scale volume, the machining time decreases significantly. In addition, the cost of CNC machining will be reduced since repeatable manufacturing eliminates the requirement for tools, CAM & CAD design expenses, and preparation fees.


Try to Exclude Machinable Text in your Design

Creation of the drive Text on the parts drives the overall cost of CNC machining because it is a complex process and takes a huge effort. If you have machining text in your design, consider them only after the surface is finished. If not possible, minimize the number of letters you need.


Consider an Appropriate Surface Finish

If you don’t pick the right strategy, surface finishing might be a pricey post-process. So first, determine what you need for the parts’ working environment, and then try to find the best surface finish.

Only use pricey finishing techniques like anodizing or zinc plating only necessary for your items.


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