How do you turn your ideas from the drawing board into practical products? Metal Prototyping links your concept to producing large-scale parts, making a physical model to consider and assess. The cnc prototyping is an identical approach that guarantees quality,...
“Copper may be the best conductor, but brass and bronze resist wear, withstand stress, and corrosive environments. It means choice relies on whether your parts require high conductivity or high mechanical performance” Copper is one of the most popular...
In 1952, Richard Kegg gave us the latest technology of Multi-Axis Machining, which depends on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) for its operations, which allows the tools to move in 4-axis directions up to 12-axis directions, unlike 2-axis or 3-axis machining that...
Whether it is the construction of bridges, heavy machinery, or simple multi-part components, they require custom bolts for assembly and mechanical joints. A bolt is a mechanical component that has a thread on the external surface with a head at the top, which can be...
When you bend a sheet metal part, its thickness enlarges or the dimensions take a different value. The final size will exceed the outer dimensions of the drawing unless bending is considered. While some would describe this as the material stretching, in reality, it...