Home 9 Injection Molding 9 Compression Molding vs Injection Molding: Which is Best for You?

Compression Molding vs Injection Molding: Which is Best for You?

Published on: 2023-12-03

“In plastics manufacturing, understanding the nuances of different molding techniques is key to optimizing production. Injection and compression molding stand out as two cornerstone methods with distinct advantages and applications.”

Choosing compression molding vs. injection molding might be complicated since they both have unique advantages and applications. Injection molding excels in high-volume production for complex plastic parts. It’s automated and efficient, reducing the need for constant supervision. In the process, it injects liquid plastic into molds under high pressure. 

In contrast, compression molding suits medium-volume and CNC milling for small-batch production with materials like rubber. It’s more hands-on but favors simpler designs and larger panels. This article provides a detailed comparison of compression and injection molding, focusing on cost, process, materials, production rates, precision, and their respective advantages, aiding informed decision-making in your project. 


What is Injection Molding?

Injection molding is a transformative manufacturing process for producing large plastic parts. It involves injecting molten material into a mold, which cools and solidifies into the final product shape. This method is known for its efficiency and ability to produce detailed and complex parts. The typical injection molding materials are plastics like polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene. These materials are chosen for their malleability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. The process involves several key steps:

  • Melting the Plastic: Raw plastic material is fed into a heating barrel, melting it.
  • Injecting the Molten Plastic: The molten plastic is injected into a mold cavity.
  • Cooling: The plastic solidifies into the desired shape once in the mold.
  • Ejecting the Finished Part: The solidified part is removed from the mold and ready for use or further processing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Injection Molding

Injection molding offers several advantages, making it a popular choice in mass production. Its high efficiency and ability to produce large quantities quickly are significant benefits. The process also allows for high precision in creating complex shapes, ensuring consistency and quality in the final products. The injection molded plastic parts can easily maintain an accuracy of ± 0.005 inches. Source.  Additionally, there is minimal waste as excess material can often be recycled.

Injection Molded part 

Despite its benefits, injection molding has some drawbacks. The initial equipment and mold design cost can be high, making it less viable for small-scale production. The process also has limitations in terms of design complexity; specific intricate designs might be molded. Moreover, the setup time for creating new molds or reconfiguring the machinery for different products can be time-consuming.

Related: ABS Injection Molding: A Guide to Achieving Plastic Products


What is Compression Molding?

Compression molding is a widely used technique for molding thermoset materials and certain thermoplastics. The material is placed directly into the heated mold cavity and then compressed into shape. It’s particularly effective for large, relatively simple parts.

Common materials used in compression molding include thermosetting resins like polyester, epoxy, and phenolic, as well as thermoplastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene. These materials are known for their strength, durability, and heat resistance, making them ideal for various applications.

The Compression Molding Process

Compression molding 

In compression molding, the process begins with placing preheated material into an open, heated mold cavity. The mold is then securely closed, and consistent pressure is applied to distribute the material throughout the mold. This is followed by a curing phase, where heat and pressure facilitate the material’s solidification into the mold’s shape. Finally, after the curing process, the mold is opened to extract the fully formed, solidified part, ready for use.


Advantages & Disadvantages of Compression Molding

Compression molding produces large, complex parts cost-effectively, with simple tooling and material versatility.


  • CostEffective Tooling: Lower mold-making costs compared to other methods.
  • Suitable for Large Parts: Efficient for producing large, fairly complex shapes.
  • Material Versatility: Suitable for various materials, including thermoset and thermoplastics.
  • Reduced Waste: Generates less material waste, as excess can often be reused.
  • Quality Finish: Capable of producing parts with good surface finish and detail

Despite these benefits, It also has some constraints regarding the complexity and precision of the parts that can be produced.


  • Slower Production Rate: It is not as fast as injection molding and is less suited for high-volume production.
  • Limited Complexity: Cannot produce parts with intricate designs or fine details.
  • Labor Intensive: Often requires more manual labor for operations such as material loading and part removal.
  • Longer Cycle Times: Due to the nature of the process, cycle times can be longer, impacting overall productivity.


What is the Difference Between Injection Molding and Compression Molding?

Injection molding and compression molding are two distinct manufacturing processes, each with unique characteristics and applications. They differ in precision, complexity, process time, production volume, materials used, tooling cost, and several other aspects.

Table: Compression Vs injection Molding in Different Aspects 

Factor Injection Molding Compression Molding
Precision Unparalleled precision and accuracy, Ideal for intricate, detailed parts.and  Suited for complex designs with consistent quality. Moderate precision(as low as  ± 0.04 inches. ), suitable for larger, simpler designs.and  Less effective for finely detailed or dimensionally precise parts. 
Complexity: Highly capable of producing complex parts.and  Incorporates detailed features and varying thicknesses. It allows intricate designs, including undercuts, threads, and fine details. Best for simpler geometries. Limited in handling complex designs and intricate details.and  Suited for large, uncomplicated shapes.
Process Time Quick cycle times of injection molding it ideal for high-volume production. Automated process reduces manufacturing time. Slower processing times, especially in curing.and  More labor intensive, leading to longer cycle times.
Production Volume excels in high-volume production and is economically viable for mass manufacturing. and  Maintains consistent quality in large batches. Suited for medium to low production volumes.and  Economically beneficial for smaller batches. Quality consistency can be challenging in larger volumes.
Materials Utilizes a wide range of thermoplastics. Standard materials are ABS, polycarbonate, and nylon.  Common injection molding materials are polyester and phenolic resins. and  Chosen for strength and heat resistance.
Tooling Cost High initial tooling costs due to mold complexity and cost-effectiveness over time in mass production. Lower- tooling costs than injection molding and more affordable for simpler molds and smaller production runs.


Injection Molding vs Compression Molding Cost

When comparing injection molding and compression molding, the cost implication is a crucial factor to consider. These costs involve the initial setup and tooling but also encompass the materials used, production volume, labor requirements, and ongoing operational expenses. 

Cost Factors in Compression and Injection Molding 

The cost comparison between injection and compression molding reveals distinct differences across various expense categories. Let’s discuss the different cost factors of these two molding approaches. 

Table: Injection Vs. Compression Molding Cost Factors 

Cost Factor Injection Molding Compression Molding
Tooling Cost Generally higher due to mold complexity and precision Lower, especially for simpler molds and designs
Material Cost Can be higher; a wide range of materials offers flexibility Often lower; depends on resin type
Labor Cost Lower due to high automation Higher due to the hands-on process
Operational Cost Higher initial investment but more cost-effective in high-volume Lower for medium or small-scale production
Waste Management Efficient material usage and recyclability Generally produces less waste

Real-world Example of Injection and Compression Molding Cost

Let’s consider the production of an ABS plastic part with specific size, accuracy, and desired specifications. We’ll calculate the cost for both injection molding and compression molding to understand their financial implications.

Specifications of the Part:

  • Size: 10 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm
  • Accuracy:  ± 0.04 inches. 
  • Quantity: 10,000 units

Table: Injection Molding vs Compression Molding Cost

Cost Factor Injection Molding Cost (USD) Compression Molding Cost (USD)
Mold Design $5,000 $2,500
Material Cost $0.05 per unit $0.04 per unit
Production Cost $0.10 per unit $0.15 per unit
Labor Minimal $500 total
Waste Management $200 Total $100 total
Total Cost $6,500 $4,800

The choice between these two processes often comes down to a balance between the specific requirements of the part to be manufactured and the economic efficiency of the process suited to those needs. For example, the injection molding cost can be slightly high, but it provides better precision & finish. Also, compression molds have low life, and injection molds can create tens of thousands of parts, lowering the per-unit cost. 


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Advantages of Injection Molding Over Compression Molding

Injection molding offers several advantages over compression molding, making it a preferred choice in various manufacturing scenarios. This process is renowned for its precision, efficiency, and versatility in producing complex and intricate designs. Below are key advantages that set injection molding apart.

    • Higher Precision and Consistency: Injection molding allows for tighter tolerances and more consistent parts, ideal for complex and detailed designs.
    • Greater Complexity in Design: It can produce parts with intricate details, undercuts, and varied wall thicknesses that compression molding cannot match.
    • Faster Production Times: With shorter cycle times, injection molding is suitable for high-volume production, significantly enhancing throughput.
    • Reduced Labor Costs: The high level of automation in injection molding reduces the need for labor, lowering overall production costs.
    • Material Flexibility: It accommodates a broader range of materials, including various types of plastics, which adds to its versatility.
    • Quality Finish: Injection molding can provide a super glossy finish (0.012 to 0.1 Ra). 

When to Choose Injection Molding?

Injection molding is a suitable choice when high precision and consistency are required, especially for complex parts with intricate details. It’s the go-to method for large-scale production due to its efficiency and fast production times. If your project involves the use of diverse materials and aims at minimizing waste, injection molding is the superior option.

When to Choose Compression Molding?

Compression molding is preferable for simpler, larger parts where the high precision of injection molding is not necessary. It’s a cost-effective solution for medium to low-volume production, especially when lower tooling costs and material-specific requirements come into play. Choose compression molding when producing robust, less complex items or when working within tighter budget constraints.


Injection Molding VS Compression Molding: Applications in Industry

Injection molding and compression molding are integral to various industries, each catering to specific needs based on their attributes. Injection molding is renowned for precision in the high-volume production of complex parts, while compression molding is preferred for its economic efficiency in producing simpler, large components.

Table: Compression Vs Injection Molding in Applications 

Industry Injection Molding Applications Compression Molding Applications
Automotive Dashboard components, light covers, interior parts, engine parts, door handles Large car body panels, tire components, bumpers, seat frames, air ducts
Healthcare Surgical instruments, disposable syringes, medical device housings, small components, lab equipment Large medical equipment panels, prosthetic components, braces, hospital bed components, orthopedic devices
Consumer Electronics Mobile phone cases, laptop housings, remote controls, connectors, battery cases Television cabinet panels, large appliance components, speaker grilles, computer towers, electrical housings
Construction Pipe fittings, insulation materials, modular housing components, window frames, electrical boxes Structural insulation panels, large door components, window frames, flooring tiles, wall panels
Aerospace Small, detailed cockpit components, light lens covers, air vents, seat buckles, cabin handles Seat components, large interior cabin panels, overhead bins, wall insulations, door panels
Packaging Bottle caps, plastic containers, flexible packaging materials, wrapping films, medicine bottles Large storage bins, durable transport containers, pallets, crates, bulk containers
Toys and Games Action figures, puzzle pieces, small intricate toy parts, board game components, miniature models Large outdoor playsets, durable children’s ride-on toys, big toy structures, sports equipment, sandbox tools
Sporting Goods Helmet components, protective gear, accessories like mouthguards, small fittings, grips Large pads for protective gear, equipment cases, protective shells, large mats, sports racks
Household Goods Kitchen utensils, small appliance parts, storage containers, cutlery, cleaning tools Large furniture components, durable garden tools, storage bins, laundry baskets, shelving units
Footwear Detailed shoe components, sole patterns, fasteners, insoles, straps Shoe soles for mass production, large boot components, sandal bases, orthopedic supports, and footwear molds


Injection Molding Services at Prolean: From Mold Design to Surface Finishing

At Prolean, we offer top-tier injection molding services, excelling from mold manufacturing to surface finishing. Our expertise lies in creating precise, high-quality molds for efficiency and durability. We cater to many industries, ensuring each mold meets specific client needs.

Our injection molding process is streamlined for optimal performance. We utilize advanced technologies and techniques to produce complex, intricate molds and corresponding plastic parts. Our team focuses on delivering products that exceed quality expectations, ensuring high customer satisfaction.

Additionally, Prolean provides comprehensive compression molding services. We excel in creating robust compression molds, ideal for larger, less complex parts. Our commitment to quality and efficiency extends to every aspect of our service, making us a reliable partner for all your molding requirements.

Read more:


Summing up

Compression and injection molding are vital in manufacturing, each excelling in different aspects. While compression molding is cost-effective for simpler designs and lower volumes, injection molding stands out in precision, efficiency, and suitability for complex and high-volume production. Understanding the distinct advantages of each method enables manufacturers to optimize their production strategies. As technology advances, both methods continue evolving, enhancing their efficiency and application scope.



What are the primary differences between compression molding and injection molding?

The primary differences lie in the manufacturing process, cost, materials used, precision, and suitability of production volume.

Is injection molding more expensive than compression molding?

Generally, injection molding involves a higher initial investment but can be more cost-effective at scale.

Can both processes use the same materials?

While there’s some overlap, each process has materials best suited to its specific techniques.

Which process is faster for large-scale production?

Injection molding is typically faster and more efficient for large-scale production.

Are both processes suitable for complex part designs?

Injection molding is better suited for complex designs due to its precision and detail capabilities.

How do these methods impact the environment?

Both methods have different environmental impacts, with ongoing efforts to increase sustainability and reduce energy consumption.



  1. Daniel V. Stan. (2008). Influence Factors on the Dimensional Accuracy of the Plastic Parts. ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237833742_Influence_Factors_on_the_Dimensional_Accuracy_of_the_Plastic_Parts
  2. n.d. (2020). Design and Application Guide for Injection Moulding Surface Finish. Engineering Product Design. https://engineeringproductdesign.com/knowledge-base/design-and-application-guide-for-injection-moulding-surface-finish/



  1. Kartik Seth

    Great discussion over individual aspects of comparison , As a engineer in prototyping I know how difficult to choose between compression and injection molding in some cases.

    • Dikendra

      Thanks Kartik!

  2. Daan

    Nice ! Can you tell which molding provide more complexity ? Injection molding or Compression Molding

    • Dikendra

      Injection molding generally allows for more complexity in design compared to compression molding. This is because injection molding can produce parts with intricate shapes, fine details, and complex geometries.
      The high pressure used in injection molding forces the material into detailed molds, enabling the creation of sophisticated designs. Compression molding, while effective for larger, less complex parts, is typically more limited in the level of detail and complexity it can achieve. Injection molding is often the preferred choice for manufacturing small, complex parts with precision.


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